The Internship in Web Designing and Development using PHP, offered by NP IT SOLUTIONS, is a hands-on program designed to introduce participants to the world of web development with a focus on PHP—a powerful server-side scripting language. This comprehensive internship takes participants on a transformative journey from the origins of PHP to its modern applications, empowering them to create dynamic and interactive websites, efficiently manage databases, and build fully-functional e-commerce sites. Through a combination of practical projects and guided learning, interns will gain proficiency in PHP and its seamless integration with various databases and protocols. By the end of this enriching program, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to embark on a successful career in web designing and development using PHP.
1. Explore the History and Evolution of PHP: Learn how PHP developed into a popular scripting language in web development from its humble beginnings as a modest open-source project launched by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.
2. Master the Fundamentals of PHP: Learn PHP programming with an emphasis on its embedded HTML nature, recursive acronym, and C-like syntax.
3. Dynamic Content and Database Management: Discover how to use PHP to work with common databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as to handle dynamic content.
4. Building E-commerce Sites: Discover the capabilities of PHP in building robust e-commerce websites that handle online transactions securely and efficiently.
5. Zippy Execution and Performance: Understand how PHP, especially when compiled as an Apache module on Unix servers, delivers pleasingly fast execution, making it an ideal choice for various web applications.
6. Protocol Support: Explore PHP's support for major protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP, enabling seamless integration with various web services.
7. Java and Distributed Object Support: Learn about PHP4's added support for Java and distributed object architectures like COM and CORBA, opening up possibilities for n-tier development.
8. Forgiving Nature of PHP: Discover how PHP's forgiving nature in its syntax allows developers to write code with flexibility and ease.
Duration : 20 - 22 weeks / 20 - 22 weekends
Sessions : Weekdays - 4 per week Weekends - 2 per week
Prerequisites : There is no such Prerequisites for this course.
Certification : Participants will obtain a certificate attesting to their PHP expertise and accomplishments in creating dynamic web apps upon completion of the PHP Internship in Web Design and Development.
Enquire NowFront End ( Web Designing ) - (8 weeks / 2 Months)
1. Introduction To World Wide Web
2. Protocols of WWW
3. Hypertext Links, URL, Domain Name System, Web Server
4. Internet, Browsers, Website, Web Application Webpage, The Home Page
5. Overview Of SDLC
6. SEO - Search Engine Optimization
1. Introduction of HTML
What is HTML? |
What is Markup Language? |
HTML Page Structure |
Use of Web Browsers |
HTML Editors
2. HTML Basic
What is Element? and Types of Element |
Block Elements and Inline Elements |
What is Attributes? and how to use? |
Paragraphs and Formatting |
Headings |
HTML Comments |
HTML Symbols / Entities
3. HTML Links
Relative URL |
Image as a link |
Create a Bookmark |
Absolute URL |
Attributes: href , title , target , id , download
4. HTML Images
Optimizing JPEG, PNG and GIF Images |
Embedding Images in a Webpage |
Image as a link |
Image Maps |
Attributes: src , title , alt , height , width , shape
5. HTML Lists
Unordered List |
Ordered List |
Description List |
Nested List |
Attributes: type
6. HTML Tables
Creating Tables |
Formatting Tables |
Table Headers and Captions |
Attributes : rowspan , colspan , border , bgcolor
7. HTML Form and Input
Creating Forms (Form Element) |
Form Methods - Get, Post |
Single Line Input - Textbox, Password, Hiddenbox |
Multiple Line Input - Textarea |
Single Selection - Radio Button, Select |
Multiple Selection - Checkbox, Select with multiple attribute |
File Upload - File |
Buttons - Submit, Reset, Button |
Attributes : method , action , type , name , value , maxlength , size , checked , tabindex , readonly , rows , cols
8. HTML Iframe and Fieldset
Creating Iframe | Iframe - Target for a Link | Creating Fieldset
9. HTML5
Introduction of HTML5 | Difference between HTML4 and HTML5
10. HTML5 New Semantic (Structural) Elements
( header, nav, section, article, aside, footer, details, summary, figure, figcaption, mark, progress, meter )
11. HTML5 New Form Elements
( datalist , output )
12. HTML5 New Input Types
( color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week )
13. HTML5 New Input Attributes
(autocomplete, autofocus, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, list, min and max, pattern, placeholder, required, step )
14. HTML5 New Graphic Elements
( canvas, svg )
15. HTML5 New Media Elements
(audio, video, source, embed )
1. Introduction of CSS
What is CSS? |
Why use CSS?
2. CSS and Markup Languages
CSS Basic |
CSS Syntax
3. Types of CSS
4. CSS Selectors
Simple selectors |
Combinator selectors |
Pseudo-class selectors |
Pseudo-elements selectors |
Attribute selectors |
CSS Comments |
StyleSheet Strategies
5. Color and Background Properties
Set Text and ForegroundColor |
Set BackgroundColor |
Set BackgroundImage |
Set background-position
6. CSS Text Properties
Set Text color |
Set Text Alignment |
Decorating Text |
Set Textcase |
Indenting Paragraphs |
Set Text Direction |
Arrange Letter Space |
Arrange Word Space |
Set Line Hight |
Apply shadow to Text
7. CSS Font Properties
Set size of Fonts |
Apply style to Fonts like bold, italic |
Creating SmallCaps |
Change Fonts using Font Family
8. HTML Div and Span Element
Create Div |
Arrange Div in specific place |
Create Webpage layout
10. CSS Box Properties
Margin |
Padding |
Content |
11. CSS Float Properties
Left |
Right |
12. CSS Border Properties
width |
color |
13. CSS Position Properties
Static |
Relative |
Fixed |
Absolute |
14. CSS List Properties
list-style |
list-style-image |
list-style-position |
15. Introduction to CSS3
What is CSS3? |
Difference between CSS and CSS3
16. CSS3 Backgrounds
background-size |
background-origin |
background-clip |
Multiple Background Images
17. CSS3 Gradients
Linear Gradient |
Radial Gradient
19. CSS3 Shadow
text-shadow |
box-shadow |
1. JS Introduction
2. JS Where To
3. JS Output
4. JS Statements
5. JS Syntax
6. JS Comments
7. JS Variables
8. JS Let
9. JS Const
10. JS Operators
11. JS Arithmetic
12. JS Assignment
13. JS Data Types
14. JS Functions
15. JS Objects
16. JS Events
17. JS Strings
18. JS String Methods
19. JS String Search
21. JS String Templates
22. JS Numbers
23. JS BigInt
24. JS Number Methods
25. JS Number Properties
26. JS Array
27. JS Array Methods
28. JS Array Iteration
29. JS Array Const
30. JS Dates
31. JS Date Formats
32. JS Date Get Methods
33. JS Date Set Methods
34. JS Math
35. JS Random
36. JS Booleans
37. JS Comparisons
38. JS If Else
39. JS Switch
40. JS Loop For
41. JS Loop For In
42. JS Loop For Of
43. JS Loop While
44. JS Break
45. JS Iterables
46. JS Sets
47. JS Maps
48. JS Typeof
49. JS Type Conversion
50. JS Bitwise
51. JS RegExp
1. Introduction to jQuery
What is jQuery? | Why use jQuery? | Difference between Javascript and jQuery | jQuery Syntax
2. jQuery Selectors
3. jQuery Events
4. jQuery Effects
jQuery Hide/Show | jQuery Fade | jQuery Slide | jQuery Animate | jQuery Stop | jQuery callback | jQuery chaining
5. jQueryHTML
jQuery Get | jQuery Set | jQuery Add | jQuery Remove | jQuery CSS Classes | jQuery CSS
6. jQueryMisc
1. Introduction of BS
What is BS? | What is Responsive Web Design? | Why use BS? | How to use BS and Syntax?
2. How to Create a Layout in BS
Grid Classes
3. Typography and colors in BS
4. BS Tables
Bordered Table | Striped Table | Hover Table | Condensed Table | Responsive Table
5. Navigation bar in BS
Inverted NavigationBar| Fixed NavigationBar| Navigation Bar with Dropdown| Right-aligned NavigationBar| Collapsing the NavigationBar
6. Form in BS
Vertical Form | Horizontal Form | Inline Form
7. Buttons in BS
ButtonStyles | ButtonSizes | Block LevelButtons | Active/DisabledButtons
8. Images in BS
Rounded Corners Image | Circle Image | Thumbnail Image | Responsive Image
1. Introduction of Web Application
2. Difference between Website and WebApplication
3. Client-Server Architecture
4. What is Open source ?
5. Why PHP ?
1. Installation Of PHP, MySQL And Apache. (XAMPP / WAMPP /LAMP Tool)
2. Installation Of editor (Adobe Dreamweaver)
PHP Syntax | Data types | Variables | Constants | Expressions | Operator Types
Conditional statements | Looping Statements
What is Function ? | Why use Function ? | Function syntax | Built in Functions | Include and Include_once | Require and require_once | Header Function and its parameters | Date Funation and its parameters | User defined Functions
What is Array? | Why use Array? | Array Syntax | Types of Array | Predefined Array Functions
What is String? | Why use String? | String Syntax | Predefined String Functions
Send and Retrieve value of form | PHP GET and PHP POST | PHP Form Validation
Introduction of DBMS and RDBMS | Connection with Database | DDL Operations (create ,alter , drop ,truncate/empty) | DML Operations (insert,update,delete) | DQL Operations (select) | Executing queries. | Handling Query Results | Handling Query Errors | Joins | Order By and Group By | Like Pattern | Stored Procedure
What is session ? | why use session ? | session syntax | Create session | Retrive Session | Destroy session
What is cookie? | Why use cookie? | Syntax of cookie | Create cookie | Retrive cookie | Delete cookie | How to create Persistance cookie
Introduction of OOPS | Class | Objects | $this Keyword | Access Modifiers (public , private,protected) | Constructor | Destructor | Parent:: and self:: keyword | Static properties and methods | Constant datamembers | Inheritance | Polymorphism | Interface | Abstract class and method | Final | Magic methods
What is AJAX ? | Why use AJAX ? | XMLHttpRequest | Create Object | Request | Response | readyState
File Handling | File uploading | Open , read and closing file | Create and write file | Sending mails using PHP
PHP and XML with example
1. Introduction of MVC Architecture
2. Example on curd application using MVC architecture (Core php)
3. Introduction of CodeIgniter
4. CodeIgniter URLs
5. Creating a Controller
6. Creating a View
7. Creating a Model
8. Working with Helpers
9. Working with Libraries
10. Project Development
Explore Our Premier IT Internship Program in Nashik - A Job-Oriented Opportunity for Computer, IT, E and TC Students and Graduates. Gain Valuable Industry Experience with Our Full-Time Internship, Backed by Leading IT Companies. Our Internship Program Offers Skill-Enhancing Training, Real-World Projects, and a Pathway to Job Placement. Unlock Your Potential with Our IT Internship Opportunity Today!